Marketing Automation

Move Leads Faster Through The Funnel With Marketing Automation Services

Marketing automation platforms helps you streamline and automate you lead flow funnel, segment your audience, and target them with personalized content, improving your ROI. Our experts at Buzzteck helps you to identify which is the best marketing automation platform that suits your needs. We also guide you through the implementation and execution process to manage and set up campaigns in your marketing automation platforms like Marketo and Pardot. Whether you are looking for support to set up email campaigns, audience segmentations, or set up lead nurture programs – look no further.

Marketing Automation services include:

  • Marketing Automation Diagnosis: Are you using Pardot or Marketo? Do you see performance issues? We can help you diagnose issues within your marketing automation set up.
  • Email and Landing Pages: Help you set up responsive and easy to edit email templates and Landing pages.
  • Lead Scoring: We help you develop lead scoring campaigns for demographic and behavioural attributes based on the industry best scoring model.
  • Lead Flow Funnel: We help you set up lead flow funnel model based on Sirius Decision waterfall model and get the lead funnel reporting.
  • Lead Nurturing and Engagement: Identify your audience personas and create customer journey experience to warm up leads to make them sales-ready.
  • Data Cleanliness: Every company struggles with data quality problems. Data duplication, data integrity and data enhancement are some aspects that we can help you resolve.